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Search database:
Engineering; Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Toxicology and Chemical Safety; Biology
Chemgold III is a complete OHS management tool, enabling the user to manage local and vendor SDSs, create manifests, perform risk assessments, and includes regulatory data, environment modelling and animal and eco-toxicity. Includes Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), documents which provide chemical and safety information about hazardous substances. All chemical manufacturers and importers are required to develop an MSDS for each chemical they produce or import. Because MSDSs are prepared by a variety of manufacturers and importers, the information in each document may vary in both form and content.
Search database:
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Medicine; Toxicology and Chemical Safety
The Chemical Safety Database includes the following hazardous properties of materials: physical hazards, such as flammability and corrosivity, toxic effects, such as carcinogenicity, toxicity, and target organ information, regulatory listing requirements. Also included are Storage Groups for compatible segregation of chemicals. Compatible storage groups should be used only for purposes of storing small quantities of materials in controlled laboratory conditions managed under a chemical hygiene program. Storage groups should not be used as a guide for compatible mixing of chemicals or wastes. This database is offered as a service to the general community and no warrantee, expressed or implied, is made about the applicability of this information to a particular use or storage situation. Members of the Stanford community can access a more up-to-date set of material safety data sheets at msds.stanford.edu.
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bibpurl.oclc.org + 1 more source
Government Information: United States; Environmental Studies; Toxicology and Chemical Safety
Database of properties regulated by the California Department of Toxic Substances Control where extensive investigation and/or cleanup actions are planned, or have been completed at permitted facilities and clean up sites. Searchable by city, county and zip code. Also allows searches by program, mandated reports, legislative district, land use restrictions, permitted facilities, commercial offsite hazardous waste facilities, community involvement, and other variables. Search results then link to reports and maps.
Search database:
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Engineering; Toxicology and Chemical Safety; Biology
The FTSS Recherche database, provided by the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS), contains French language material safety data sheets for chemical substances manufactured or distributed in North America. The English language database, MSDS, also provided by CCOHS, contains a larger collection of material safety data sheets.
Search database:
Medicine; Toxicology and Chemical Safety
An occupational health database designed for health and safety professionals and for consumers seeking information about the health effects of exposure to chemicals and biologicals at work. Haz-Map links jobs and hazardous tasks with occupational diseases and their symptoms. Chemicals and biological agents in Haz-Map are linked to industrial processes and other activities such as hobbies. Occupational diseases and their symptoms are associated with hazardous job tasks and possible exposure to hazardous agents. Information from textbooks, journal articles, and electronic databases such as NLM's Hazardous Substances Data Bank (HSDB®) is classified and summarized to create the database. Some of Haz-Map's features include: text search capability, browsing by jobs, diseases, or agents, searching hazardous agents by adverse effects, searching diseases by jobs and findings, and automated searches of TOXNET. Definitions of technical terms are available by selecting hyperlinks to the glossary.
Brown, Jay A., M.D.
Search database:
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Environmental Studies; Toxicology and Chemical Safety
The Health and Environmental Research Online (HERO) database provides an easy way to view the scientific literature behind EPA science assessments. The database includes more than 300,000 scientific articles from the peer-reviewed literature used by EPA to develop its Integrated Science Assessments (ISA) that feed into the NAAQS review. It also includes references and data from the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS), a database that supports critical agency policymaking for chemical regulation. Risk assessments characterize the nature and magnitude of health risks to humans and the ecosystem from pollutants and chemicals in the environment. New studies are continuously added so scientists can keep abreast of new research. References are then sorted, classified and made available through HERO.
Search database:
bibpurl.oclc.org + 1 more source
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Toxicology and Chemical Safety
The International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) offers the INCHEM service, which provides access to searchable full-text documents on chemical risks and chemical risk management. INCHEM is based at the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS).
Search database:
Science (General); Mathematical Sciences; Physics and Astronomy; Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Earth Sciences; Biology; Medicine; Aquatic Sciences; Environmental Studies; Engineering; Toxicology and Chemical Safety; Computer Science
Presents the Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic (J-STAGE), a system developed by the Japan Science and Technology Corporation (JST) that helps academic societies create and publish electronic journals. Allows users to browse and search participating journals. Some journals on this site are open access and others are available only by subscription.
Search database:
History; Sociology; Medicine; Political Science; Toxicology and Chemical Safety
The Legacy Tobacco Documents Library (LTDL) contains more than 11 million documents (60+ million pages) created by major tobacco companies related to their advertising, manufacturing, marketing, sales, and scientific research activities. Legacy Tobacco Documents Library (LTDL) offers integrated searching of tobacco industry documents from a variety of companies. Through the support of the American Legacy Foundation, the LTDL will maintain this data through a permanent, stable interface. These collections are comprised of tobacco industry documents from the late nineteenth century up through the present with the bulk of the collections dated 1950 through 2002. MSA Collections (Major Tobacco Companies): British American Tobacco, Bliley, Canadian Trials, Liggett & Myers, Mangini ("Joe Camel"), Multimedia, Pollay Advertising Collection, Research Collections, Tobacco DATTA, UCSF Brown & Williamson, US Department of Justice, US Smokeless Tobacco.
Search database:
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Biology; Medicine; Toxicology and Chemical Safety
Contains 10,955 monographs describing significant chemicals, drugs, and biological substances. The entries are not a listing of Merck & Co., Inc. products, but rather cover a wide range of compounds, which have been selected on the basis of present or historic importance and interest. Each monograph is a concise description of a single substance or a small group of closely related compounds. The information provided includes chemical, common and generic names, trademarks and their associated companies, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Registry Numbers, molecular formulas and weights, physical and toxicity data, therapeutic and commercial uses, citations to the chemical, biomedical and patent literature, and chemical structures. Also includes: Organic Name Reactions: this section is comprised of 446 named reactions and an index. A concise reference history and associated reaction schema are provided for each reaction or sub-reaction. Additional tables: a compilation of over 60 p. of tables including a glossary is provided to supplement the material presented in the monographs.
At the Library:
Hopkins » Reference (Non-circulating) » RS356 .M524 ED.12 1996 in-library use only
Hopkins » Stacks » RS356 .M524 ED.11 1989
Swain » Reference (Non-circulating) » RS356 .M524 ... in-library use only
Falconer » Reference (Non-circulating) » RS356 .M524 ED.14 2006 in-library use only
Falconer » Stacks » RS356 .M524 ED.13 2001
Green » InfoCenter: Ready Reference (Non-circulating) » RS356 .M524 2001 in-library use only
Green » Stacks » RS356 .M524 ...
SAL3 » Stacks » RS356 .M524 ... must be paged/requested
Search database:
Biology; Earth Sciences; Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Engineering; Environmental Studies; Toxicology and Chemical Safety
NEMI is a searchable clearinghouse of environmental monitoring methods and contains summaries of lab and field protocols for regulatory and non-regulatory water quality analysis. Its purpose is to provide a mechanism to compare and contrast the performance and relative cost of analytical and field methods for environmental monitoring.
Search database:
Environmental Studies; Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Toxicology and Chemical Safety; Medicine; Biology
A compendium of data extracted from the scientific literature. For each chemical substance indexed in RTECS, six types of toxicity data are included: (1) primary irritation; (2) mutagenic effects; (3) reproductive effects; (4) tumorigenic effects; (5) acute toxicity; and (6) other multiple dose toxicity. Specific numeric toxicity values such as LD50, LC50, TDLo, and TCLo are noted as well as species studied and route of administration used. For each citation, the bibliographic source is listed thereby enabling the user to access the actual studies cited.
At the Library:
Green » US Federal Documents » HE 20.7112:
SAL3 » Stacks » RA1215 .N37 ... must be paged/requested
Search database:
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Toxicology and Chemical Safety; Medicine; Biology
By Congressional mandate, the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) produces "toxicological profiles" for hazardous substances found at National Priorities List (NPL) sites. These hazardous substances are ranked based on frequency of occurrence at NPL sites, toxicity, and potential for human exposure. Toxicological profiles are developed from a priority list of 275 substances. ATSDR also prepares toxicological profiles for the Department of Defense (DOD) and the Department of Energy (DOE) on substances related to federal sites. So far, 296 toxicological profiles have been published or are under development as “finals” or “drafts for public comment”; 281 profiles were published as finals; 130 profiles have been updated. Currently, 7 profiles are being revised based on public comments received. These profiles cover more than 250 substances.
Corporate Author:
United States. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.
At the Library:
Green » SSRC: Microfiche (Non-circulating) » HE 20.7918: in-library use only
Search database:
Biology; Toxicology and Chemical Safety; Medicine
Indexes journal articles in toxicology and related areas. Over 300 journals are indexed from 1981 to the present. The database covers social poisons, substance abuse, natural toxins, legislation and recommended standards, environmental issues, industrial and agricultural chemicals, household products, pharmaceuticals, the effects of alcohol and smoking, drug abuse, hydrocarbon studies, nitrosamines, radiation and radioactive materials, toxicity testing methods and analytical procedures for toxic substances.
Toxicology abstracts (Online)
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search.proquest.com + 1 more source
Biology; Toxicology and Chemical Safety; Medicine
TOXLINE is the National Library of Medicine's (NLM) bibliographic database for toxicology. TOXLINE records provide bibliographic information covering the biochemical, pharmacological, physiological, and toxicological effects of drugs and other chemicals. Most records include abstracts and/or indexing terms and CAS Registry Numbers. TOXLINE references are drawn from various sources organized into component subfiles which are searched together but which may be used to limit searches as well.
TOXLINE (Online : Cambridge Scientific Abstracts)
Search database:
Medicine; Engineering; Environmental Studies; Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Toxicology and Chemical Safety
A computerized system of files oriented to toxicology and related areas. It is managed by the National Library of Medicine's Toxicology and Environmental Health Information Program (TEHIP). TOXNET is an integrated system containing modules for building and reviewing records as well as providing sophisticated search and retrieval features for NLM online users.

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